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Passion for God.
Compassion for People.

We are an active community of believers working to live out the love of Christ in a local and global setting. Our purpose is simple: to love God, neighbor, and self. Our mission is to draw in to Christ, build up in Christ, and send out for Christ.


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20 Jun, 2024
Starting August 4th Each Sunday millions of people around the world gather to worship together in a church of some form or fashion. For thousands of years the Church has kept this weekly ritual. But why? What is so special about gathering together with other believers? This 4-week Series will unpack some of the greatest benefits of being a regular part of a community of believers.
16 Jun, 2024
Starting July 7th The Apostle Paul often wrote encouraging and uplifting letters to the church communities that he helped found. His letter that we know of as 1st Thessalonians is no exception. Immersed in a diverse culture with deeply embedded power structures the young church community often faced persecution, ridicule, and suffering. Paul writes to lift them up, encourage them in their suffering, and remind them to stand firm in their faith. Throughout this 4-week sermon series your church will be encouraged with the timeless wisdom found in 1st Thessalonians. Week 1: Firm in Faith Week 2: Firm in Suffering Week 3: Firm in Righteous Living Week 4: Firm in the Future
13 Jun, 2024
We as humans are always looking for ways to live life to the fullest. However, the world cannot offer us the Abundant Life Jesus has come to bring. So, we have to learn what it means to look like Jesus & live for Him. In this 4-week series you’ll discover what Jesus says are the keys to a life well lived, one that not only has present-day implications, but Eternal ones as well. Week 1: Deny Yourself Week 2: Take Up Your Cross Week 3: Faithfully Follow Jesus Week 4: Live the Commission
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